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Equal Rights for Women by January 27, 2021 #PublishERA

The Fastest Way to attain Equal Rights for Women is for President Biden to Just Tell the Archivist to Publish the ERA in the Constitution as the 28th Amendment. So, I have a favor to ask that will cost you no money and only about 20 minutes of your time. Did you know that most people do not even realize that women do NOT have equal rights under our law? Women are legally second class citizens, because the US Supreme Court has said we aren't equally protected by the US Constitution. The only way we can be treated equally under law is to add an Amendment to the Constitution. You may know I am one of the attorneys representing groups, Amici or friends of the Court, trying to get the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) published in the US Constitution. Based on Article V of the Constitution, it was properly ratified by the required 38 states on January 27th of this year, and it should have been published by the US Archivist, as it is his duty by law, as the 28th Amendment. But Attorney General Bill Barr told him he was not allowed to publish it because it was ratified past the deadline Congress put on it. HOWEVER, the deadline is unconstitutional (for the explanation read pages 8-16 of the EME BRIEF here).

Even though #ERA supporters are suing the Trump Administration in federal court, there is a much quicker way to accomplish this goal. Our new President will be sworn in on January 20, 2021. After that, all President Biden has to do is direct the U.S. Archivist to publish the ERA in the Constitution as the 28th Amendment. President-elect Biden has been an ERA Supporter for decades. He still supports it. But he's going to be quite busy. That's why Equal Means Equal has begun the #PublishERA campaign, in which anyone or any group, can participate by just making a 2 minute video on your phone, asking President-elect Biden to direct the Archivist to publish the ERA by January 27, 2021 (the first anniversary of its ratification). EME wrote a script for you to read or to change as you wish and just email it to EME and then post it on your social media. Read the instructions here to see how easy this is.

Help #LegalizeEquality! Let’s get the videos and #PublishERA trending now! Watch the video by Adrienne Spinner and her daughter here. Every day, even if you don't make a video, go to EME’s Twitter page @EqualMeansEqual and retweet the daily videos and copy the daily tweet and video and post it on all your social media and relevant FB group pages. The ERA, originally written by suffragist Alice Paul, was first introduced in Congress in 1923 by Susan B. Anthony’s nephew! Let’s get her done!! I don't want our great-granddaughters to still be fighting for EQUAL RIGHTS FOR WOMEN another 100 years from now. Do you? Carpe diem!

Arlaine Rockey